There are many good reasons to buy property in Austria. And we list them on this page. So read on and decide for yourself if Austria is tempting for you.
If you prefer or intend to rent an apartment or house, this has now become cheaper! New regulations as of 1st July 2023 meant that the renter no longer paid a fee to the agent. This was paid solely by the landlord of a property
For the buying processes and any downsides check our Buying advice page.
Austria was voted 4th safest country in the world in 2022
Austria Property buying advice:
Yes, we know it is famous for its Alps and cosy Austrian wooden chalets! But, leaving aside skiing for a moment. Have you ever stopped to consider what is underneath all that white stuff that people skim over at great speed?

Well, when the snow melts, out come the meadow flowers. And the mountain slopes are turned into a glorious canvas of yellow and green stretching for as far as the eye can see. The spring days are warm and the streams gush crystal clear water as the mountain snows rapidly melt.
Then there is summer in the mountains. No, not cold as you might think; temperatures regularly reach the high 30s centigrade 90s Fahrenheit. So, swimming in the lakes and sunbathing are just as normal as on the Spanish Costas…maybe even warmer!

The cable cars are filled with walkers and groups wanting to experience the heady atmosphere of high altitude and the views that are afforded across the alpine mountain ranges.
Following behind these hot summers come the golden autumns, when the leaves on the trees turn to shades of gold and burnished copper creating picture postcard scenes, on a par with USA & Canada.

And of course, we have winter, when the snow starts to fall and the land goes to sleep.
So then what is there to look forward to? A white Christmas of course! The fantastic Christ Kindel Markets in all large towns and cities. No plastic decorations here! There is very little commercialism to be found and Christmas is spent enjoying the event and not the brightly wrapped presents!

Ok, now comes the superb ski-season with some of the best mountain pistes in the world with excellent ski areas to suit all standards. From the beautiful Voralberg in the west to the vast Winter Sports world of Ski Amade in the central Alps. Check our flying to Austria page for best price flights
But if you are driving, to or in Austria, remember…best to keep behind the snow plough!!

Added to all this you have the culture and music festivals all year. Composers such as Mozart and Strauss are the best known but there are many more.
So, what are you waiting for? Go visit and find out what is on offer in Austria. You can find out much more on our Austria activity holidays site.
Living costs
It is not so expensive either. Diesel has been at about €1.58 – 1.69 per litre for a while now, (Dec23). But like the rest of Europe is dependent on what happens in Ukraine and the time of day!!!
Yes, that is correct..the time of day! The government tends to shift the pricing around approx 3 times a day. you can find the lowest price in the late evening and the most expensive tends to be around about midday!
In the supermarket, bottles of good quality wine cost from €4 to €6. Cheap wines from €1.99. Beer is about 80 cents for a half litre bottle. Food is a little cheaper, but of course there will always be imported items that are more expensive.
Electricity & Gas costs are on a par with much of Europe including the UK.
Your UK pension can be transferred direct from HMRC in UK to your Austrian bank account.
Flights to Austria
Austria Property
Property for sale in Austria. There are areas that are still reasonably priced particularly in the Eastern provinces. and it certainly makes for a safe investment, particularly as you can make good returns on your money by renting your property for holidays, this is of course where holiday renting is permitted.
There are many different regions and the rules seem to vary from area to area. It is always best to check with the local Gemeinde and also the local management companies. The last thing you need is to buy a holiday property and have no control over the use!!
Austria boasts some of the best ski areas in Europe and as such these areas are popular with foreign buyers, especially as holiday homes. Most Austrian villages are approximately 30 minutes from a ski slope!!
It is certainly not an expensive investment, as an apartment in a good ski area can start from as little as 250,000 Euros or less.
Have a look around
Best to hire a car and drive around various Austrian regions to get the feel of where you might prefer to have a property. Check out our instant car hire quote page.
Austria property buying advice: Property in the less well known areas in Eastern and southern Austria is cheaper and one can pick up a bargain house for under 150,000 Euro….you will have to re-decorate however!
It is a clean, safe country in which to live or have an investment home. There is little crime in the countryside areas. The hotels, restaurants and tourist attractions are invariably spotless. The lakes and rivers are maintained at “drinking water” quality and there is no litter. Strict recycling laws are in place to keep the environment safe.
Taxes tend to be higher in Austria so one should also be aware of the possibility that the local tax office will want a slice of any rental income, but there is what they refer to as a ‘hobby business’ and you can earn up to €12,000 before tax.
Are the British or other Nations welcome?
Why buy in Austria
What about the locals…do they want overseas buyers? Well this is a thorny question, particularly since the Brexit vote! But now 7 years on and with a lot of water under the bridge, they are still welcoming.
The Austrians are very proud of their country and their customs. This shows in the fact that they still have traditional dress such as the Dirndl and Lederhosen. Some areas welcome overseas investors with open arms, but other areas such as Salzburgland and Tirol are not so pre-disposed to outsiders purchasing property. Particularly as they make enough income from tourism. Also, they have an active policy of trying to get holiday properties back into the market for locals, particularly the young needing a home.
Contact us if you have questions.

The Austrian Mindset
To get into the Austrian mindset, there is no better handy pocketbook than the Xenophobes guides. to the planet’s various nations.
‘A guide to understanding the Austrians, that delves into the cultural curiosities and peculiar characteristics of this land-locked nation. The Austrian needs lots of persuading to have his traditions tampered with in the name of modernization and efficiency. He is attached to his sausage, his insipid beer, and the young white wine that tastes so remarkably like iron filings’.
How their neighbours see them:
A German Historian once remarked, that Bavarians were the missing link between Austrians and human beings!!! Not very nice!
An Austrian anecdote sums up the attitude to irregular sexual arrangements: Two men meet for the first time at a house party. One says to the other, ” Do you see those two women over in the corner chatting? The brunette is my wife and the pretty blonde is my mistress” “Thats Funny” says the other man, “I was just about to say the same thing, except the other way round”

Our Austria property buying advice:
It is always best to check with a local Estate agent. We can help if it is one of our Austrian colleagues. You can also speak with the local Gemeinde (council) and ask them about buying property in their area. What the rules are etc.
You have to remember, all countries in Europe are now starting to worry about the number of people arriving in their country and being a burden on the Government purse! Unless of course you are emigrating to Austria and bringing all your tax payments to them. This is another area that you should check about… your tax situation!
Once you become main resident in Austria, then you pay your taxes on worldwide income to the Austria tax man!
What about Healthcare in Austria?
This is one of the most frequently asked questions from clients wanting to live or retire to Austria, so we will answer it first. The system is very good and efficient as you would expect. If an EU citizen you are entitled to the same care as any other Austrian citizen. But after the UK completed the transition period, we are no longer EU citizens, so things have changed! . Click here for link to full NHS information about healthcare and obtaining it in Austria.
Here is the UK Government website advice for ‘How to get state healthcare if you live, work or study in Austria’.
You can contribute to the Austria health care system, should you make the permanent move. If you have a holiday home, it is best to have good travel insurance and many UK companies offer up to 90 days cover.